I love this insight Joel and I too, want to live there!

You’ve reminded me that I, as an artist building towards a place where I can share my works again, posses many of these skills from past experiences and there’s something in me that resonates (and may be the reason I “knew there was something about you but couldn’t identify” when we first met back at chatty during the noughties) with your identification of the need for a direct relationship with my customers. My current platform of “choice” is a YouTube channel but I’m not convinced that’s where I need to be when I’m up and running.

The challenge is, how does an artist build out their own platform to share content and maintain this direct relationship?

I’m not expecting you to have an answer, but this makes things seem challenging.

A challenge I’ll be up for next year.

Thanks again for sharing brother.


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Hey Ant! Thanks for writing brother. Years ago when I wrote this, I thought the answer was bitcoin or eth and the L2 protocols and platforms being built. Im optimistic but less convinced these new technologies will be enough to change the system. One can hope!

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I also want to live there. Do you know if streaming platforms provide *any* common levels of customer data to their artists besides stream count, OS and time? Or is the data thwarted by the record companies?

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